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We mentioned 2023 is going to be epic for 3DOS™ and this Wall Street Journal article continues to confirm this massive shift in 3-D Printing and The Future of Global Manufacturing!
2023 is shaping up to be a landmark year for 3DOS™ as the company continues to solidify its position at the forefront of the rapidly growing 3D printing industry. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the global manufacturing market is on the cusp of a massive shift towards on-demand 3D printing, which is expected to reach a staggering 1.2 trillion dollars in the coming years.
3DOS, with its cutting-edge technology and innovative approach to on-demand manufacturing, is well positioned to become a major player in this space. As more and more companies begin to realize the benefits of 3D printing, including reduced lead times, increased efficiency and lower costs, 3DOS is poised to capitalize on this growing demand.
With a strong team of engineers, designers and business leaders, 3DOS is well equipped to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of 3D printing and continue to drive innovation in this space. With the future of global manufacturing so closely tied to the success of 3D printing, there is no doubt that 2023 will be a transformative year for 3DOS and the industry as a whole.
The 12 Trillion Dollar Manufacturing Market is Going Digital, and 3DOS™ is well positioned.
Invest in the future of manufacturing - 3DOS™ is the next Amazon, without inventories.
John Dogru
CEO Founder 3DOS™